Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (TV Version)

FOX just played a new interpretation of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' this evening. How did it do? In a word: So-so. First, I'd like to take the time and mention that this MUST be seen as an adaptation of the stage show rather than the classic 1975 film or you will absolutely hate this version. That being said, some of the flashier updates could have been either left out entirely or been given some more time (such as the special effects). The cast all do their jobs well enough, however some issues have been addressed toward Laverne Cox as Dr. Frank-N-Furter. The main issue is that Ms. Cox is a transgendered woman and the character is a transvestite which causes more confusion than needed on that political subject. It also causes strange plot holes with the lyrics to the iconic songs with references to the character being a male transvestite while in another scene, Frank-N-Furter is referred to as a 'she'. It's more than personal issues, it causes errors in the overall plot.

Some other issues are some of my personal favorites are not as well performed as in previous versions, with Adam Lambert's 'Hot Patootie' being the biggest disappointment of the whole show. The rest of the songs are excellent as always, with the addition of 'Superheros' a song only included in the UK version of the film and rarely in the stage play which was a nice bonus. The addition of punk rock influences don't improve the film's style that much, but I like its inclusion as it gives it some great atmosphere and color to the sets. The only real negative (and really, this is only because its on television) is that this felt more like a small budget stage show rather than a television special and that really bummed me out. For such an important show as 'Rocky Horror' you'd think that it would have a larger budget for props, sets, special effects etc. than it seemingly has.

'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' was really fun while it lasted, but it will never replace the experience one gets from the original film or seeing it in person. I honestly can't recommend this version that highly. Just check out the movie or see if the local community college is performing it and you'll have a better time.

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