Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My Bloody Valentine (1981)

'My Bloody Valentine' was released in 1981 during the golden age of the sub genre known as the 'slasher' film and it's one of the most memorable from it's catchy poster to its controversial MPAA edits, however does it still hold up for horror fans today?

As mentioned, the MPAA (the rating distributors in America) went to town with their cutting shears on 'My Bloody Valentine' which lead to many angry horror fans longing for almost 30 years for a fully uncut version and in 2009, we got our wish and it really helped out with the overall film. I'm not going to give you folks crap here, this is not a masterpiece film in any way, shape, or form and I won't treat it like that however what it does it does with gusto.

The film's villain is one of the most creative in the slasher film pantheon. I never thought a coal miner's outfit would be so unsettling but when you hear Harry Warden's deep breathing through the mask in the distance and you see his killer pose with that pick axe it's pretty damn creepy and effective. The film also has some of the better written teen fodder and you legitimately feel bad that some have to go because for the most part, they are genuinely likeable and feel like real people which is one of the biggest aspects of 'My Bloody Valentine' that makes it stand out among it's 80's brethren.

Now that we are able to see the special effects as they were meant to be, I can say that it's some of the most impressive of the early days of the sub genre. It's surprisingly very mean spirited and brutal too as many films from the early days had more of a fun popcorn feel about them, as gruesome as they were. This film stands out as being rather dark and dull in tone from the get-go and since the film takes place in a cloudy mining town for the majority, it sounds like an appropriate tone to take. Try to track down the special edition DVD/Blu-Ray to see the uncut film as it's the only way to see it now that one has the option.

The film also was one of the first to have a big twist and I have to say, unlike those of the 'Shamaylan' variety this one took me by surprise and for a cheap slasher film that the mainstream community condemn for their lack of creativity, 'My Bloody Valentine' proves them wrong with both its twist ending and its overall higher quality thanks to Paramount Pictures and a nicer budget than most at the time. The film also has an amazing folk song that plays over the end credits entitled 'The Ballad of Harry Warden' and yes I'm completely serious but I'm also serious in saying it's an awesome song (which I will put below).

Any slasher film fan or those who'd like an 'alternate' Valentine flick with their girlfriend/boyfriend should check out 'My Bloody Valentine' and hey even check out the 2009 remake for desert as it's pretty great too.

Grade: A-

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