Sunday, May 28, 2017

Summer of Fear (Swimming Part 2)

Summer is still going strong with Memorial Day tomorrow and what better way to spend your time than to read something of mine? All kidding aside, I've got some more underwater spooky movies for you all to enjoy with your fireworks and hot dogs. Let's get this started off shall we?

'OPEN WATER' is the most serious film you'll see here, but it is a tense and well crafted little thriller based (very loosely) on a true event in which a tourist couple are left behind while on a scuba diving trip. Alone and relentlessly hunted by a couple of deadly sharks, it's easy to see that these two are totally screwed. The film is shot with an almost 'Blair Witch' feel to it which at the time was not completely overplayed and made 'Open Water' stand out at the time. Many folks have since been slightly more critical of the film than when it first came out, with the primary complaint being the 'True Story' angle in which there is and never was any proof that the events of this movie unfolded like it did. I however, can suspend my disbelief and enjoy a tense thriller which is becoming incredibly rare with shark movies now.

Now we get to be a little more silly with the 1970's schlock film 'ORCA: THE KILLER WHALE'. The film was released when everyone and their mother just HAD to cash in on 'JAWS' and in addition to 'Orca', we also got some masterpieces such as 'Grizzly', 'Piranha', and 'Barracuda'. 'Orca' is one of the more well known knock offs but in all honesty it's a pretty dull and is really a 'Moby Dick' ripoff more than 'JAWS'. The main reason to just see the movie once however is to see Dumbledore from the first 'Harry Potter' film as a Captain Ahab wannabe and to see a killer whale bite off Bo Derrick's leg which is such a bad special effect, that it's simply hilarious.

By far the most original film on this list comes from South Korea. 'THE HOST' is a creature feature that takes all of the old conventions you'd see here and gives them a much needed booster shot that ends with a superior film that is not just a great horror film, but one of the best in recent years. The story concerns an elderly man who attempts to protect his loved ones when a hideous tadpole creature wreaks havoc on the city one afternoon. It's 'Godzilla' meets 'Cloverfield' and even elements of black comedy which blends into a thoroughly entertaining monster movie that you all need to check out. I don't care if you hate subtitles, suck it up and watch 'The Host'. It's amazing.

I know back to sharks but there isn't much else in this subgenre but at least I found a lot of good among the bad. 'DEEP BLUE SEA' is one I'm sure you've all at least heard of due to it's memorable performance and death of Samuel Jackson ("THEY ATE ME!") but it's actually a pretty fun action flick by Renny Harlin (Cliffhanger). The movie is well cast for a B-Movie such as the always awesome Thomas Jane and LL Cool J and it has a rather large budget behind it. This has to be the only shark movie besides 'JAWS' to have such high production value and extensive marketing. They advertised this movie everywhere, and I distinctly remember watching segments every night about how they pulled off the special effects which were amazing at the time. Actually, in terms of the practical effects, such as when the shark springs to life and bites off a guy's arm it is really effective and holds up today. The film overall though is just a silly monster movie disguised as a polished blockbuster but that's not a bad thing to me. It just gives the movie better replay value than it would have had. I don't really need to tell you to watch this again, do I? You've all seen this.

Okay, okay last shark flick I promise. 'Shark Night 3D' from the late director David Ellis who is more known for the 'Final Destination' films but here he gets to bring that same level of over the top fun to a shark movie (which are already ridiculous). The main complaint I would have here is the rather neutered final product. It's PG-13, a higher rating than the first three 'JAWS' films got and yet this film is way too tame for a shark attack movie. It's almost more of a slasher movie honestly, with the usual stupid teen tropes from those flicks you're accustomed to and of course evil redneck hillbilly's. Instead of a machete or a chainsaw however, they unleash sharks upon the disposable teens. And yes, it's sharks somehow being able to live in a lake and kill people because of crazy 'Deliverance' rejects. How does that NOT sound awesome to you?!

Okay, off the sharks and into something different. Really different. 'Leviathan' is a little known gem from 1989 starring RoboCop as the Captain of an underwater facility who must attempt to save his crew after a deadly mutagen begins to mutate them into a hideous monster. Stan Winston provided the creature effects here and along with a great cast (including Daniel Stern from 'Home Alone') and some great film work, 'Leviathan' is one I truly recommend you seek out immediately. You won't be disappointed.

The final film of our little menu is 1998's 'Deep Rising'. A killer octopus flick directed by Stephen Sommers, who would go on to create the 'Mummy' trilogy and here I think he shows off his impressive work early. The creature effects here are impressive and incredibly gross and even though the CGI is some real garbage by today's standards, the practical gives you Special Effects beer goggles. The only real flaw with the movie as a whole is that every single character is a creep or a villain so you just want them all to bite it, but hey Famke Jenson wet and half nude...

Be sure to check back all summer long for our special SUMMER OF FEAR specials.

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