Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Castlevania (Season One)

Netflix's new series 'Castlevania' brings the 1986 video game classic to the small screen and with huge success, though I only wish it were a longer ride. The series' first season only comprises of four episodes, each about a half hour which is insane considering the other Netflix originals available. Perhaps less is more in this situation however as this is a really great adaptation of the classic game series and I cannot wait for more to come. For those not in the know when it comes to the franchise lore, the first season is set around the storyline of 'Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse' in which Count Dracula has taken his vengeance upon the land of Wallachia after his beloved mortal wife is burned at the stake for witchcraft. Only the Belmont clan, once banished for their involvement with magic can stop his reign of terror.

The biggest surprise with 'Castlevania' is how much story and development it can get into only 4 episodes and not leave the viewer confused. This is likely the one video game story that will appeal to most audiences and not leave them in the dark with its various characters. It's Dracula and many other popular monsters so its story is familiar enough for everyone to enjoy. It also establishes each character from the game (with the exception of one strange absence) and by the end you know everyone's role and what is to come in the future. The show's animation for the most part is impressive, though when compared to other modern anime its a little weak. It's missing some detail and some scenes come off looking a little cheap. The animation is combined with various digital effects that are also really hit and miss but overall nothing too distracting unless you're really knowledgeable about those kind of things.

As both a warning and a recommendation to horror fans and regular viewers alike, the show is absolutely brutal, something that honestly took me by surprise. You see eyeballs ripped out, babies eaten, children torn apart, and various other gore along with really strong language. This show is definitely not for the kiddies and I commend them for going for it and not holding back like many other horror shows today. 'Castlevania' is a good start for a promising new Netflix show and a really good example of a video game adaptation done right. If you're a fan of the games or anime then give this one a try.

( A )

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