Monday, January 8, 2018

Should There Be A 'Slender Man' Film?

Earlier this week, the first look of the upcoming film 'Slender Man' dropped with both a poster along with a trailer which you can view HERE. The film is of course based upon the popular Internet meme/urban legend that sparked some controversy in 2014 when two young girls attempted to murder their friend in the fictional character's name. Since the story is connected with such a tragedy, more controversy was surely to come as now there are arguments and even a petition to ban the new Sony Pictures film before its May 2018 release.

Now, is this outrage warranted? Does the movie deserve to be made without controversy or petitions? Well, the simple answer is yes. The media has long been the easiest scapegoat when it comes to the horrible things human beings have done in life so this is nothing new. However, the answer is the same across the board: these works of fiction are just that and whether they influence people to commit these horrible crimes has never been a solid argument. Long before the Internet, films, or video games, people killed in the name of religion, personal grudges, or for political gain. We don't blame these things today and entertainment is no different. To say that a 'Slender Man' film or a 'Grand Theft Auto' game shouldn't be made because it makes children kill but have no issues with the Bible, Islam, works of classic literature, or even music by The Beatles despite having similar controversies is downright hypocritical.

For a large majority, horror stories have been healthy escapism from the tragedies of the real world and they don't end up harming others because of them. As hard as it is to hear it and as generalizing as it may sound, there is much truth to it and that is that children and the adults they grow into are influenced heavily by their family life, school life, and their social standings throughout their youth. While some may find it just as easy to blame the parents for a situation such as this, it has more credible evidence than blaming media. Children today get cell phones before they turn five years old, are able to access the computer sometimes before that with little to no supervision from the parents or guardians in charge. It isn't just about abuse or neglect at home, but proper supervising as well and being in your child's life more. As a personal sufferer of mental illness myself, I can tell you that outward appearances do not tell you anything.

This argument has been a long one for fans of the macabre and horror like myself, with many pointing the finger at them when issues would come up with me. The simple fact is, my problems are my own and are controlled by me, not Jason, not Freddy, and not Slender Man. We need to start taking the blame for our own actions, whether we be these young girls, or their parents who have attempted to pass the buck off themselves by starting up this petition. People are responsible for their own actions and if we must suffer for that, then its our cross to bear but own it. If you think that this small little story on the Internet can influence your child to harm others, then restrict their usage of the computer more. If you think 'GTA' is too violent, then don't buy it for your children. Be responsible and don't pull down Sony Pictures because you need an easy answer. Whether or not the final product is even going to be good I can't say, but it has every right to exist and be seen and people have the responsibility and right to restrict their children from seeing it. Banning things you don't like is what Nazis and Communists did and its time for it to stop.

Thank you guys for reading today. I know sometimes you don't like these serious articles and as such I try not to do them on here as often, but I felt this needed to be said as I found a deep meaning in it. Feel free to let me know what your thoughts are about the upcoming 'Slender Man' movie in the comments below. Should it be released? Is it even going to be a good movie? Should people take more responsibility? Let me know and thanks again.

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