Friday, April 13, 2018

Truth or Dare (2018)

I dare you to not facepalm or crack a smile or even a chuckle while watching Blumhouse Productions' latest horror flick 'Truth or Dare'. I'll give it this though, despite being a complete trainwreck with poor pacing, cringe-worthy dialogue, unlikable characters, and this goofy photoshop demon you see above...It did have potential. The idea of a simple children's game with an evil twist is a good idea but not in the hands of the FOUR screenwriters and director Jeff Wadlow (who brought us 'Cry Wolf', another horrible horror flick that made me pull my hair out). The idea is simple: A demon has possessed a group's game of Truth or Dare and they have to either tell the truth or do the dare. Refuse or fail and you are dead boom! The whole story right there, and really that's all you will comprehend for the rest of the film even with it's barely 90 minute runtime.

Everyone in this movie are terrible people and you don't give the tiniest bit of a shit about them or their fates. One is an alcoholic, whose boyfriend is a dirtbag medical student who sells drugs to kids and then you have the best friend character and she is by far the worst of them all. She may not be the worst person but every five minutes she is told a horrifying truth or is revealed to be someone unwholesome and then she gets pissed off, runs away for about ten minutes, comes back and the process starts all over again through the entire movie! They try to cram in some kind of sob story about her father but she's so underdeveloped and literally jumping in and out of the story that you don't care and she's just another body. Sadly, I think the only character who wasn't a bad person or a bad actor for that matter is the gay best friend character. He's not stereotypical, has an arc by the end of his scenes and is the only one who is nice. So of course, he's one of the first ones to die off because screw good characters in this movie right?

So what are we left with here? Gore? None despite the premise promising some potentially gruesome deaths I think the worst one was an off screen stabbing in the eye. Scares? None. At all. I didn't even jump at the jump scares. That and how can you look at that stupid smiley demon face and be scared of it? Good cinematography or atmosphere? None. It's pretty generic, much like 'Cry Wolf' and overall despite Blumhouse usually throwing out something that is at least average, this is by far their worst product since their conception. Yes, this is even worse than 'Jem and the Holograms' and it's so by the numbers horror that it even sets up a sequel that I hope we never get. I promise I'm telling the truth when I say 'Truth or Dare' is some pretty abysmal cinema.


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