Saturday, June 2, 2018

Upgrade (2018)

'Upgrade' is a little sleeper sci-fi film that released this weekend. Knowing the previous work of writer and director Leigh Whannell (SAW) the film could go one way or another and coming out of the cinema, I wasn't disappointed. Sure, it's not a perfect film with some easy plot predictions early on and a somewhat rushed and abrupt third act but everything else is pretty engaging, thrilling, funny, and full of the over-the-top violence and action you'd expect in a Judge Dredd comic. So the basic idea is this: a computer chip designated STEM has been implanted in a man named Grey after he and his wife are brutalized and he is left a quadroplegic. After the experimental surgery seems to give him his old life back, he soon desires vengeance against those who took his wife away from him, only to learn some dark truths.

What starts as your typical revenge film goes pretty off the wall once STEM comes onto the scene. The artificial intelligence voiced by Simon Maiden gives a strong performance without appearing physically on screen and he can be both menacing and soothing in his voice which is hard to not compare to our old pal HAL from '2001'. While I'm not going so far to say the two films are comparable, they do share themes of the dangers of technology and what happens when man becomes too accustomed to automation. It's a story told many times before and in many ways which shows just how strong a theme it is and again I won't say it's anywhere near the high levels of 'Blade Runner' or '2001', 'Upgrade' is a strong film with its own way of telling the same story and it's well worth your time.

However, it's not an entirely smooth ride. The motivations of the villains were pretty easy for me to figure out before the half way point, but I will say that the climax did throw me a bit. And speaking of that climax, it's simply too abrupt and quickly played out. We figure out the whole plan behind these evil men and STEM and everything and it's wrapped up with a twist that I had a mixed reaction to and then the movie just ends. Sadly, I think Whannell hasn't quite gotten the hang of twist endings since 'SAW' as it plays out exactly like one of those films, pacing and all.

I can't really get into the film much without spoiling everything that happens in it and unfortunately, the film does not seem to be playing in our area as of yet which makes things difficult. However, I think it's safe for me to say that Leigh Whannell has certainly come far as a filmmaker, with much stronger writing, character development, and even in his visual style while still retaining some of the stronger aspects of his previous work such as the over the top practical gore effects and even a few 'SAW' Easter Eggs thrown in there for fans.

'Upgrade' will likely pass a lot of people by but for any fan of modern science fiction, body horror, or even action films like 'Dredd' will find something to enjoy. It's likely to be the most underrated flick of 2018.


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