Thursday, October 11, 2018

Halloween: Resurrection (2002)

'Halloween: Resurrection' is so lame and forced that it has to have one of the most overused subtitles of all time. It's the basic bitch of horror sequels and one that provides nothing but a bad time to both fans of the series and horror in general. The film immediately sets itself up for failure within the first five minutes and honestly it's simply stunning to see a film fall apart in such a short amount of time. Not only do they retcon the ending of 'H20' to give a reason why Michael returns here, but it also wants to piss off the audience so quickly they kill of Jamie Lee Curtis in the first five minutes. We then get the "privilege" of following some of the most inane cast of characters I've ever seen in a slasher film. They have no real personalities and even after finishing the film just a few hours ago, I cannot remember a single name. This group of obnoxious twits go to Myers' old home to film some generic reality show (redundant I know) when Michael comes home and slaughters them.

The biggest sin of 'Resurrection' is that it doesn't even attempt to be good, but rather the best example of a cinematic cash grab. Even with the problems I have with part 4, 5, & 6, they at least attempted to be movies. This is a hollow product for the gullible and that's it. 'Halloween: Resurrection' can't even make it's webcam gimmick work in any interesting way. It just cuts to shaky cam footage or what looks like slightly better security camera footage. It feels like even Michael doesn't want to be in his own movie, even choosing to wear the worst mask since the fourth film. People who talk to me about 'Resurrection' usually bring up Busta Rhymes within about five seconds of discussion so by now I'm sure most of you don't want to hear about it again. Frankly, I don't know what makes him stand out as a bad actor when the whole cast is bad. What I just can't fathom in my brain is how did director Rick Rosendthal, who directed 'Halloween II' managed to make this garbage? He has shown to know how to make a movie suspenseful and give the audience the scares and gore they want, so what went wrong here? Perhaps the screenplay, but that doesn't excuse why the film looks so generic. The cinematography is so poor that it just seems like the DP and Rick wanted to finish the film as quickly as possible so they could care less how it looked.

The music sucks too. It plays the 'Halloween' theme too often and the rest of the music is forgettable and bland. They also like to thrown in those stupid jump scare sting on the soundtrack to annoy me even further. This also has the most paltry death scenes of the entire franchise, with the main highlight being a decapitation that just looks like Michael knocked a mannequin's head off. Every single thing about 'Halloween: Resurrection' fails to excite or entertain the viewer. It has no suspense, no characters, and not even some cheap gore. It has nothing to offer to its core audience and hopefully will fade from history in time.


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