Friday, September 16, 2016

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)

'Blair Witch' is officially out today, and while I would love to review the original that started it all, I forgot that I already did that for my first review here on the blog. So I guess I should talk about the rushed sequel 'Book of Shadows' and try to figure it out. The film revolves around a group of tourists looking to find anything about the infamous legend of the Blair Witch. Once there, they begin to experience bizarre and disturbing phenomena that may lead to their deaths.

That is honestly the best I can explain 'Book of Shadows' because quite frankly the film's biggest flaw is that it makes absolutely no sense. Never mind that the film only mentions the titular witch by name and little else, I am under the impression that this film started as something else, before being butchered and re-edited into a 'Blair Witch' sequel to capitalize on the 1999 hit film. The film attempts various twists and turns throughout in an attempt to be clever, however it comes off as lazy, confusing, and poorly constructed. Scenes seem to jump between flashbacks and various scenes with the main group, with no explanation even when the film's "twist" is revealed It still leaves you scratching your head.

'Book of Shadows' also doesn't have the titular book within the film at any point, nor does it even really have witches other than a character claiming to be wiccan with very little proof of such. In fact, this could have just been a boring slasher flick with a weak ending and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I really don't have a whole lot to say about the film really, despite its reputation of one of the worst films of all time, there's not a whole lot to it. It's a rushed out film with a sequel number slapped onto the marketing to sell it. Thankfully, the audiences didn't fall for it and it ended up in the dollar bin where it belongs. 'Blair Witch' is in theaters today, and I highly recommend it, as it's a true sequel and brings back the dread of the original. Be sure to check back here for the review.


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