Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017)

'Resident Evil: The Final Chapter' will hopefully put a nail in the 'Alice' coffin and we can get a proper reboot sometime down the line. Capcom lost control over this franchise a long time ago, however I truly thought 'Afterlife' would forever be the worst the series could possibly get. I must now apologize to that film because' Final Chapter' takes the cake here folks. Rightfully so, the film only managed to make it to fourth place this weekend lagging far behind the 2nd round winner 'Split' which I seriously regret not seeing first so I could come to you today with better news. Milla Jovovich once again stars as an unstoppable and cardboard cutout action star who can do no wrong, no matter how asinine, how contradictory, and how flat out pointless her actions may be she is always invincible because the film was written and directed by her damned husband!

I would also like to take the opportunity with this film to discuss the "MTV" editing that many modern films besides 'Resident Evil' seems to have adopted within the last decade or so. I actually surprise myself that I have yet to ever bring this up in my discussions but here it's more painfully in the forefront than ever before. As a fellow reviewer Chris Stuckmann (Check out his review HERE) states better than I: "The editing has to be at least two seconds between cuts on average. It's as if they gave a keyboard that edited the film to a toddler to play with and this is what came out." You may actually feel nausea from the flashing shows from each edit. On top of feeling like you're having a seizure, it makes the action sequences look like 'Batman Begins' but trust me it's even worse than that. You cannot tell what's happening half the time, who is being killed off, or sometimes who is fighting who. It's ADD filmmaking to such an extreme that it's just disgusting.

The plot is pointless to discuss very deeply, but for those who truly enjoy these films and trust me, as much as you think it I have nothing against you for enjoying these flicks, but even for you 'The Final Chapter' insults you by making a last minute revelation that completely ruins and twists the entire film mythology. Trust me, even for the fans, 'Resident Evil: The Final Chapter' will anger at the most and disappoint at the least. This series should have died long ago, but at least they could have gone out a hell of a lot better than this if they had. Skip this one viewers, see 'Split' or even tolerate 'Rings' because even that belated sequel won't be as bad.

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