Friday, January 13, 2017

The Bye Bye Man (2017)

'The Bye Bye Man' is not only a dumb title for a horror film, but also a dumb film as well. It's the age old boogeyman story about an ancient evil that is awakened once his name is spoken and along the way, every single cheap horror gag you can think of happens as if on a checklist. From loud noises in place of genuine horror to characters committing stupid acts that only get them killed faster, 'The Bye Bye Man' does it all. The film also looks cheap, with weak makeup effects and computer generated sequences that have a very unpolished and unrendered look to them.

The film rounds out it's list of C-grade actors with two notables in Carrie Ann-Moss and Faye Dunaway, who are both relegated to little more than cameos in a weak attempt to give the film credibility it doesn't earn. The film also seems to run too long despite it relatively average length for a horror film. You're just sitting there attempting to slog through what seems to be endless jump scares and bad acting and I literally got a migraine when I left the theater.

'The Bye Bye Man' takes from all and gives nothing back worthwhile. It takes from your wallet, the wallet of STX production company, and it takes the better aspects of other horror films and makes them work as poorly as possible. This is something you'd expect to come direct to DVD, and not almost 2000 theaters in 2017. The ironic aspect of the film is that if you don't think or say his name, he doesn't exist which won't be very difficult to achieve because once you leave the screening at your local cinema, you'll forget his name and this movie rather quickly.

(If I could find a way to make a zero stars out of a skull, I would)

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