Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Witches (2020)




With COVID-19 creating chaos across the globe the world as we know it has changed forever and our favorite pastimes have become one of many things compromised by the virus. Once slated for theaters this month, Robert Zemeckis's remake of the Roald Dahl novel 'The Witches' has now been given a home exclusively on the HBO MAX streaming service starting today. This new adaptation stars Anne Hathaway, Octavia Spencer, and Stanley Tucci and follows the same beats as the novel and 90s version but throws in some of its own elements such as a location change and a somewhat extended ending.

For those unaware of the tale, it revolves around a young boy (Jahzir Bruno/Chris Rock) after his parents pass in a terrible car accident. He's left in the care of his loving Grandmother (Spencer) who takes him away to a prestigious hotel in Alabama to help him out of his sadness. However, they soon realize that they have stumbled upon a group of evil spell-casters led by the Grand High Witch (Hathaway) who are devising a new plan that will eradicate the world's children.



The 1990 film was sadly a box office bomb but showed great talent and is easily one of the best adaptations of a Dahl novel and over the years has gotten the appreciation it deserves. The new film sadly doesn't have the charm or longevity of the 90's version, but it has a lot of good going for it to make it a worthwhile experience with the kids. The obvious stand out here is Hathaway, who chews the scenery and is obviously having a lot of fun playing the Grand High Witch. She's not really scary like Huston's performance or intimidating really even when given a nasty CGI makeover but her over-the-top performance and funny lines make her the biggest positive of the film. I also loved Octavia Spencer and felt that she was the more warm and loving portrayal of the character than the previous film.


Honestly, the biggest problem with the 2020 'Witches' is that like many newer adaptations of children's material it simply plays it too safe, and that's saying a lot considering how far out of their way they attempt to scare children. The CGI is too cartoonish and Hathaway's performance is far too goofy to find her scary even for a young audience. The original film's director Nicholas Roeg had horror film experience and you can see it in his version. The camerawork, the special effects and witch makeup, as well as the more graphic elements from the book certainly pushed the PG rating at the time but here it's clear that they've pulled back a bit which is a shame as it goes against the tone of the book.



While I don't think the CGI really enhances the movie, it's done well and there is some clever use of practical mixed with computers such as with the witch's various features so while it won't age as well it is good enough. The music by Alan Silvestri is It's not a standout score for the man, especially after coming off of 'Avengers: Endgame' but the film also utilizes some period songs that are all fun and appropriate picks. As far as technical elements go overall 'The Witches' has great cinematography, set design, and sleek but it's just missing that feeling of something being off like the original. It's a bit too bright and cheery, most scenes set in the middle of the day which may have been to keep the scarier elements more toned down but it feels odd to have a spooky movie have little to no spookiness.



I saw the film on HBO MAX using their 7-day free trial and overall I'd say I was satisfied with this movie. It's nothing special really but as far as a Halloween kids film I'd recommend it if you see it for free. Otherwise you won't be missing out on much if you're a fan of the original or are looking for something else out there. Anne Hathaway is the biggest reason to check it out in my opinion as she's clearly having a ball being absolutely nuts and she's pretty funny. Still though, I think most are better off just checking out the original film. This one doesn't have that magic or uniqueness to make it stand out much.


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