Thursday, October 19, 2017

13 Days of Halloween: A Bay of Blood (1971)

Another Halloween is upon us and this year, I've decided to go for a theme: slasher flicks! My favorite horror sub-genre has so many to choose from I tried to pick some that you may not have seen but if you have then you're likely a big fan like myself. So, we've got thirteen days to cover some really oddball films so let's begin with director Mario Bava's slasher template 'A Bay of Blood'. This giallo film has influenced and has even been ripped off by 'Friday the 13th' (despite what the producers say) but the film is more than gory kills and nudity. Well, okay it's the majority of the film but still there are many other aspects that gives it a stylish edge. The story revolves around the giallo staple: a wealthy old person who gets bumped off for the inheritance. The rest of the family soon follow as each one kills in order to gain the money/property/etc.

'A Bay of Blood' is the most famous giallo to follow this structure but its also one of the better entries. Now, I have to say that I really don't fully understand the popularity of 'Bay of Blood' as it is quite slow paced and flawed in many story aspects. It's likely the bizarre atmosphere, music, and camera work that keeps its memory alive. Now don't get me wrong I don't dislike 'Bay of Blood' but seeing it the first time, I felt a little cheated by its low quality and rather boring middle and even though rewatching it numerous times since that first time I still feel it's overrated in many aspects. Where it definitely shines is in its gore which for the early 70's was extremely shocking and likely never saw many US theaters outside of your local grindhouse. We get double impalement, a hatchet to the face, and lots of beheadings. If you're going in for the kills then you'll be satisfied but not without a lot of baggage.

As stated before, the film is really slow with the intention of building up to something. This doesn't really work when the film decides to do whatever the hell it feels like at any given moment. While that's commendable to be different than other films in the genre, it's confusing and frankly annoying. I have little patience I suppose but for those going in for a typical slasher be prepared for a lot of exposition and long moments between the payoffs.

'A Bay of Blood' isn't the best giallo movie and it has a lot of problems but it's got some style and changes things up from time to time. If you can handle some slow moments and a very confusing plot then check it out.

( C + )

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