Thursday, October 12, 2017

Night of the Demons (1988) (100th REVIEW!)

'Night of the Demons' is an essential Halloween movie with some wicked humor, great gore and special effects, and some really fun characters. The story revolves around your typical teenagers going out to party and fool around on Halloween night. Only this party is taking place at the deserted funeral home Hull House, thought to be possessed. Mayhem ensues as each teen is quickly dispatched and taken over by various demons who wish to enter the mortal world. Now, the film is nothing special in the story department as it's essentially 'The Evil Dead' mixed with 'Hell Night' but it's the overall youthful atmosphere and rowdy party theme that makes 'Night of the Demons' worth it. One of the hardest things one can do in a horror flick like this is give us some likeable characters even if their essentially fodder but 'Night of the Demons' pulls it off. Even the asshole character Stooge is funny despite his stupid demeanor and rude comments.

The main course here is the gory death scenes and creepy demon effects which are all pulled off really effectively despite the low budget. There's one in particular that still makes me cringe involving eyeball gouging that you have to see to believe. The second best thing about this film is that it just screams Halloween. The spirit of the holiday is strong in 'Night of the Demons' and you feel it around every frame of celluloid which is strangely something that even John Carpenter's film doesn't do that much. From this film's amazing animated opening sequence you're hooked and are instantly thrown back to your young days of trick or treating. The film really has everything a horror fan could want: nudity, violence, and spooky atmosphere. 'Night of the Demons' came to my attention only a few years ago, but it's become my new Halloween tradition right next to 'Night of the Living Dead'. It's a great little horror flick that you should definitely check out.

( A )

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