Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday the 13th: The Game (Playstation 4 Version)

Yes! A video game review and what a perfect opportunity to do one as it's one of my favorite days of the year: Friday the 13th! Now most of my friends know that 'Friday the 13th' is my favorite horror series and when I heard that a video game was being crowd funded last year, I was onboard and immediately slamming my $40 donation down. So after many long delays and various issues at launch earlier this year, is 'Friday the 13th: The Game' one I'm happy with? For the most part yes I am glad I invested in this project and have had some good fun with the game since its May release, however the game still has many problems that need to be resolved if it's going to keep me and the many fans happy. After all, nostalgia can only get you so far before you start to notice the cracks.

'Friday the 13th: The Game' has up to 7 players and one Jason player and the goal is quite simple: Escape or Kill. Luckily, there are multiple opportunities to keep yourself from ending up at the end of a sharp object in the game. From calling the police to repairing a car and even calling in series favorite Tommy Jarvis for some extra help the game does have variety in the mechanics. The same goes for Jason himself as you're given various abilities such as the infamous serial killer teleport and even bear traps and throwing darts. And yes, many many MK style fatalities that would all fit right into a 'Friday' film. Jason himself is very well done, thanks to the man himself Kane Hodder doing the motion capture animation for the game and you can even play as the various Jason's from the sequels, each with their own weapons and special kills.

The game's other major benefit is that much of its new updates and downloadable content is free, with only a few unnecessary clothing and emote packs that don't change anything. I love that gaming is willing to go this way more often. Yes, I know loot boxes etc. is greedy and stupid but if the majority of the DLC content is going to be free or added through updates, I'm all down.

While the star of the show is Jason, it's a shame that the counselor players have problematic and even game breaking issues. More often than not, you're going to be stuck playing as a counselor and while they each have different skills that make them easier to perform certain tasks, they all have awkward controls, particularly when it comes to combat. I know that fighting Jason is not only a bad idea but he's basically immortal (unless you're willing to pull off an extremely complicated set of rules) so I know that the game is not designed with combat in mind. Still, I wish I had better ways to defend myself just to get away and work on something. Entering combat mode is annoying and 99% of the time I miss with my weapon unless it's a gun. Unless you're with a group and you are all attacking him, it's really aggravating trying to land a hit on him.

The biggest problem with 'Friday the 13th: The Game' is the constant connection and server problems that have yet to be fully resolved as of today. I am still constantly kicked from games either due to the game crashing, or sour players kicking everyone because they bit the dust first. The match host at any time can stop the game whether due to their internet going out or just to troll players and it really needs to be fixed. The players themselves have also started to become unhelpful during several matches I would see players helping Jason kill people or running me over just for shits and giggles. These things kill game communities and while I don't expect troll players to end anytime soon, the constant tech problems are getting on my nerves. Graphics wise, this game is really ugly (ironically except Jason himself who's really detailed). Many many glitches are abound, and you can go to YouTube to find hours of the stuff and while some of it is funny, a lot of them will get you killed which just makes me want to rage quit.

'Friday the 13th: The Game' gets its theme down perfectly from its atmosphere, to it's music, and the grisly deaths. But it's got so many technical and graphical issues that have little to no change since release. I recommend the game, but at a discount price.


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